Dating to Prepare for Marriage


    When we compare dating from this day and age to what dating was like in the older generations, it is drastically different. Back then, they didn’t have dating apps and they were able to actually meet and talk in person. I’m not saying that we can’t do that now but it’s almost like people are scared to talk to people in person. Nowadays people would rather text you than have a conversation with you in person. In my opinion, I’d much rather get to know someone in person because you learn more about them that way. We get to get a feel of what that person is really like because over text they can have time to type out what they want you to hear.

    There is a popular phrase that has been going around this generation concerning dating and I think that it is really interesting. It is “Date ‘em ‘til you hat ‘em.” I think that this saying is pretty accurate because that’s what we see most often as young adults trying to date. In my opinion, I think it happens because this generation is just so sensitive to everything. I think it is also because we don’t know how to properly communicate very well with our significant others. Now, this doesn’t go for everyone but once a fight starts no matter how big or small it may be, someone gets hurt feelings and just automatically hates their partner. I have seen this in a lot of different relationships and it is just so silly when people say why they broke up and why they hate their guts now. 

    When I was looking at the process of how people date in today's day and age, I noticed something really interesting. Usually what we see is we hang out, flirt, kiss, and that equals dating and even can go as far as getting married. In older generations, people actually started out going on multiple dates, then courtship, engagement, and finally marriage. Now when thinking about which one I prefer, I can see the pros and cons to both sides. I do agree that instead of going on dates, it is a lot easier and more comfortable to just hang out with someone rather than have the pressure and the nerves of going on a date. On the other hand, I do think you get to see how someone treats their date and if you like that in a partner. It also shows if your date meets your standards and values as well as makes you comfortable. A story I can relate to this is my senior year homecoming, I was asked to go by one of my friends who isn’t a member of the church which I didn’t have a problem with because I had hung out with him before and it was perfectly fine. Well, we were at the dance and having a good time when he said to me “Hey there’s a part over the summit. Do you want to go?” In my mind, I knew there was going to be alcohol and not the smartest decisions being made so I decided to tell him I didn’t want to go. He said okay and then continued to say “well I am going to head to that party so you’ll need to find a ride home.” Not only was he my date and ride home but he was also our group ride home so we all had to find someone to give us a ride back to my house. After that date, I realized that he didn’t really care about me or the date. Even though we weren’t dating and we were just friends, It is still important to put effort into a date and at least act like you care about it. 

    This has taught me a lot of what to look for in a future partner and it made me less scared to actually go on dates because I have a fear of so many different things when it comes to dating. 
